SPRING SALE! Moroccan Wedding Blankets 20% up to 30% off

SPRING SALE! Moroccan Wedding Blankets 20% up to 30% off

Dreaming of a Bohemian bedroom?

Add a sparkling Moroccan wedding blanket + a  set of indigo blue pillows for an easy exotic transformation.

Now our exclusive online collection of exceptional vintage Moroccan wedding blankets are on sale for the month of April, 2015.

Save 20% up to 30% off  @ our new online SHOP

+ here’s are the links our favorite Indigo pillow sources:  L’Aviva & John Robshaw}


Each Handira is hand-made, one-of-a-kind, woven with ivory wool & white cotton and artistically embellished with silver sequins. In Moroccan culture the sequins are traditionally used to attract positive energy and deflect the evil eye.  Moroccan wedding blankets become ‘magic cloth’ when the silver sequins catch bits of sunlight and cast little rainbows everywhere….




feature image from the colonies.com